Championing Individual Economic Liberties
Free enterprise is a foundational value of America: solving problems, inspiring solutions, creating jobs, growing wealth, and making opportunity for all our citizens. It’s true now and it was true at our founding when the fundamental right to contract was included in the United States Constitution. Free enterprise is the proven best path for every person in our nation to find the American Dream.
Too often, our businesses, innovators, entrepreneurs, creators, builders and growers are thwarted in their efforts by government overreach or unaccountable bureaucrats and special interests who fail to understand or embrace the cause of economic liberty. The New England Legal Foundation stands as a guardian of the right to earn a living in America.
“A power over a man’s subsistence amounts to a power over his will.”
Alexander Hamilton, Federalist Paper No. 79

We Fight For You
We file amicus briefs in support of corporations and individuals who are facing litigation at the appellate level in New England and beyond. We have successfully supported hundreds of appellate cases with our highly respected and well-written legal arguments that present broader industry and public policy perspectives in support of free enterprise.
As our funding grows, we will accelerate our mission to include representation of individuals and businesses at the trial and administrative levels of state and federal government who risk ruin when government interferes with free enterprise. These individuals and small businesses cannot afford legal counsel and are often left defenseless when the bureaucracy comes calling. The New England Legal Foundation will level the playing field to defend free enterprise throughout New England. We invite your membership, your donations, your time and your good will to join us in this effort.
The New England Legal Foundation will consider impact litigation at the trial level, particularly where a statute or regulation is facially unconstitutional, and invites requests for amicus support in pending appeals where there is a larger public policy impact that will be shaped by the litigation.