Apply for Membership in NELF
Thanks for your interest in the New England Legal Foundation! We have a variety of membership and payment plans to accommodate individuals, law firms, corporations and organizations throughout the six New England states.
- Complete the membership application and submit corresponding payment.
- Members have the option to register for the Member Directory. Complete the form with your Directory Information.
- Once approved, you will be added to the Member Directory and will receive a link to finish registration to access.
Membership Levels
The New England Legal Foundation is open for membership by individuals and organizations who support our mission of encouraging free enterprise, preservation of property rights, limited government, and inclusive growth and opportunity. NELF welcomes diverse persons who share our mission regardless of gender, race, creed, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, or other protected characteristics.
Large Law Firm
(50+ lawyers)
Mid-Sized Law Firm
(10-49 lawyers)
Small Law Firm
(2-9 lawyers)
Apply for the Member Directory
After you have joined the New England Legal Foundation, members have the option to register for the Member Directory. The Member Directory allows you to search for and network with other members based on their geography, business characteristics, and industry sector. It’s a powerful tool for referrals and for connecting with members of similar or complementary interests. Click here to register your Directory information, which will be available for other members: