
New England Legal Foundation Appoints Michael Rossi to Massachusetts Advisory Council



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New England Legal Foundation Appoints Michael Rossi to Massachusetts Advisory Council


Michael J. Rossi
Conn Kavanaugh

Boston, MA (September 3, 2024) – The New England Legal Foundation (NELF) is pleased to announce the appointment of Michael Rossi, Partner at Conn Kavanaugh, to its prestigious Massachusetts Advisory Council. Mike Rossi, a seasoned trial lawyer with extensive experience in professional liability, business litigation, and employment matters, will bring a wealth of legal knowledge and insight to NELF’s mission of promoting public policy and legal principles that support free enterprise and economic growth.

As a Partner at Conn Kavanaugh, Mike’s legal career spans a broad range of industries, including insurance, healthcare, real estate, and professional services. He regularly defends attorneys and other professionals in malpractice actions and disciplinary proceedings, and his business litigation practice includes handling contract disputes, unfair trade practice claims, and insurance coverage matters. Additionally, Mike has considerable experience litigating employment discrimination and retaliation claims, unfair competition disputes, and wage/hour matters.

A dynamic advocate for his clients, Mike has successfully tried cases before judges, juries, and administrative agencies, and argued appeals before the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court and the United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit. His courtroom experience is complemented by his advisory work, where he helps clients navigate a broad range of legal matters impacting their businesses.

NELF President Dan Winslow welcomed Mike to the council, stating, “We are thrilled to have Mike Rossi join our Massachusetts Advisory Council. His proven expertise in complex litigation, coupled with his dedication to his clients and his community, makes him an invaluable addition to our team. We look forward to his contributions as we continue to shape legal policy that protects the principles of free enterprise.”

Mike is a dedicated member of the Boston Bar Association, the Massachusetts Bar Association, and the International Association of Defense Counsel. He also serves as Conn Kavanaugh’s internal Risk Management and Ethics Partner and was appointed as a hearing officer for the Massachusetts Board of Bar Overseers in 2022. An active speaker and writer on legal issues, Mike recently presented on what lawsuit pleadings reveal about life in a rock band.



About the New England Legal Foundation: Founded in 1977, the New England Legal Foundation (NELF – is the leading non-partisan, non-profit public interest law firm in the region dedicated to economic liberty. NELF’s ongoing mission is to champion free enterprise, property rights, limited government based on rule of law, and inclusive economic growth. We believe that free enterprise is a foundational value of a democratic society and the best opportunity for people to lift themselves to prosperity.



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